Authors live project to project, and in spite of careful financial planning often find themselves living close to the edge. Writing books in Canada is rarely a lucrative pursuit and a small disruption can easily cascade into an emergency. Projects are set aside, expectant income unrealized, and well-being threatened.
This program is designed to act fast; emergency grant requests are reviewed immediately by a diverse group of seven writers from across the country. With an intimate understanding of the precarities of a writer’s life, these peers evaluate applications and recommend grant amounts. Their assessment is focused on an applicant’s situation.
Writers whose income has been dramatically affected by sudden, difficult circumstances are encouraged to apply, as well as writers enduring unforeseen mental health burdens. We are deeply concerned in situations where individuals feel compelled to ignore real issues because of the cost of treatment. To help address systemic challenges we strongly encourage writers from equity-deserving groups to apply or reach out if they have questions about meeting the program criteria.