Award History
2003 Winner
Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writingfor Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda
Jury Citation
“The 2003 edition of the Shaughnessy Cohen competition was graced with many fine books. The two runners up, The Story of Jane Doe and The Road to Hell were tenacious and revealing of police investigation practices and the violent underbelly of Canadian life. But the judges were unanimous in selecting Romeo Dallaire's Shake Hands with the Devil for the prize. Dallaire's book puts a heart-rending face on the costs of the world turning away from its responsibility to protect human rights in Rwanda. Dallaire details step by step the opportunities and how they were lost. Shake Hands with the Devil isn't easy reading, but it will be a case study and a cry for generations to come on why the United Nations needs reforming and how a beautiful country suffered. Dallaire's book is also a moving autobiography of a young French Canadian boy growing up in Canada with all the ideals, joys and the perils that a military career imposes. It's a book and an author, Canada can be proud of.” – 2003 Shaughnessy Cohen Prize Jury (Clive Doucet, Margaret MacMillan, and Peter Mansbridge)