2020 Journey Prize Finalist Lisa Foad
Award History
Jury Citation
"In Lisa Foad’s 'Hunting,' a gang of five motherless girls fight to survive in a dystopic city ravaged by the unchecked appetites of men. Written in gripping, clear-eyed prose, the story is shot through with violence that is neither romanticized or gratuitous. In Foad’s masterful hands, each act is essential — and even beautiful — with an internal velocity that hurls itself towards a heartstopper of a final line. 'Hunting' is an audacious, electric jolt of a story that is, at its heart, a call to bear witness to both the powerful anger and ferocious love of young women."
— 2020 Journey Prize Jury (Amy Jones, and Doretta Lau, and Téa Mutonji)

2010 Finalist
Dayne Ogilvie Prize for LGBTQ2S+ Emerging WritersJury Citation
“Lisa Foad's short story collection, 'The Night is a Mouth,' is a provocative, fearless book, the language surreal in its violence and sensuality. All of the characters — even the despicable ones — are heart-breaking and whole. An excellent debut from a writer with great promise.”
— 2010 Dayne Ogilvie Prize for LGBTQ Emerging Writers Jury (Brian Francis, Don Hannah, and Suzette Mayr)