Award History
Jury Citation
“In spare and confident prose, journalist Lawrence Martin guides us through Harperland, the new Conservative realm governed by an uninspiring and controlling prime minister who is better at bashing than building; and who wins elections by wedge politics that divide Canadians against Canadians. For this fascinating inside look, Martin gained remarkable access to some of the very Conservative actors closest to the Prime Minister during his years of struggle to win and strengthen his minority grip on power. Their frank assessments amount to an unlovable portrait, but one that is balanced by the author's admiration for Harper's intelligence, his undeniable strategic skills, and his steady hand on the helm. Yet there is an underside to one of our potentially strongest and hardest working prime ministers -- the gnawing insecurity and bully reactions that may prevent him from realizing his potential for greatness. As Martin sees it, Harperland is ‘peace, order and hood government.’” – 2010 Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing Jury (L. Ian MacDonald, Rosemary Speirs, and Paul Wells)