John Ralston Saul on The Comeback
Award History
2014 Finalist
Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writingfor The Comeback: How Aboriginals Are Reclaiming Power and Influence
Jury Citation
“From his opening of “history is upon us” to his concluding compilation of original voices of the Aboriginal view through the centuries, John Ralston Saul succinctly and adroitly sustains an impassioned argument in favour of rights and equality as a new lens through which to frame Canada’s relationships with and treatment of its Aboriginal peoples. In urging a fresh approach to one of the central issues of our nationhood, The Comeback provokes and challenges us, turns old thinking on its head, and offers a defining moment about being Canadian.” – 2014 Shaughnessy Cohen Prize Jury (Denise Chong, Terry Galvin, Jane Taber)