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Amy Lin is a writer and educator. She holds a BA in English literature and education and completed her MFA at Warren Wilson College. Her work has been published in Ploughshares, failbetter, and Oprah Daily and she writes the Substack At The Bottom Of Everything. Lin has been awarded residencies from Yaddo and Casa Comala. In 2024 she was a finalist for the Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction for her first book, Here After. She lives in Calgary.    


Here After by Amy Lin

Award History

2024 Finalist

Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction
for Here After: A Memoir

Jury Citation

Here After is a memoir about love, about grief, about what survives a sudden and terrible loss. Lin’s prose is precise, spare, elegant, and finely honed. In her hands we come to understand what grief extracts, what it demands, and what it means to be in the world after the death of a deeply loved spouse. Lin describes the myriad ways grief impacts us, how it lands in the body as physical and psychic pain, how the heart and lungs really do hurt, and how it collapses time — reshaping our relationship to the self and to the world. Here After is a beautiful testament to surviving as the one left behind.”—2024 Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction jury (Annahid Dashtgard, Taylor Lambert and Christina Sharpe)

Works recognized by WT