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Jas M.

Jas M. Morgan is a Cree-Métis-Saulteaux curator, editor, writer, SSHRC doctoral scholarship recipient and McGill Art History PhD student. Morgan won the 2019 Dayne Ogilive Prize and has been nominated for a Lambda Literary Award, an Indigenous Voices Literary Award, and several National Magazine Awards. They were nominated as the lead editor for the summer 2017 issue of Canadian Art in the “Best Editorial Package” category — an issue on the theme of Kinship. Their writing has appeared in The Malahat Review, Room, GUTS, Mice, esse, The Inuit Art Quarterly, Teen Vogue, and other publications. Morgan’s first book nîtisânak was released in 2019. They currently live in Toronto.

Award History

Jury Citation

“The writing of Jas M. Morgan is a triumph of decolonial and non-normative storytelling. They assert an acute refusal of the reductive expectations of tragic Indigeneity and white-centred hegemonic queerness, calling upon more rigorous, nuanced, and wholehearted aesthetics and knowledge bases. Morgan is a new, vital voice for queercore culture, ancestral and chosen family inheritances, sex and kink positivity, and Cree and Prairie wisdom. Their transformative memoir, nîtisânak, uplifts non-linear narration, poetic prose, and intertextual dialogue and will surely be discussed and beloved for many, many years to come.”

—2019 Dayne Ogilvie Prize jury (Amber Dawn and Kai Cheng Thom)